Conjunction Junction, What’s Your Function?

I grew up in a time when cartoons were only shown on Saturday mornings. From 7 a.m.  until around noon, children would sit glued to their television sets watching such shows as  the Flintstones, Jetsons, and Land of the Lost. Sandwiched between those programs were  short rhythmic videos, produced by School of Rock, that incorporated educational topics  like grammar, history, science, and math. So, while the eye on the prize was really about  watching cartoons, tidbits of knowledge were woven into unknowing little minds while they  enjoyed their shows! 

Many companies place such an emphasis on setting and reaching sales goals that they  forget the importance of product knowledge, performance, and installation requirements.  In the world of skylights, roof windows, and Sun Tunnels, one size does not fit all. The  VELUX product lines include more than 150 different standard residential products, plus  custom units and commercial solutions. As the VELUX Signature Specialist in the area, our  customer list spans the gamut from homeowners, to roofers, contractors, and roofing  suppliers; our goal is to educate potential clients and or installers on selecting the correct  type of product for the given application. For example, a very kind general contractor  recently reached out to us requesting a quote for the installation of some Sun Tunnels for  an upcoming project. Instead of rattling off a price for them, we discussed the project and  lighting goals. Within minutes, we were able to determine the contractor had not included  a solution whereby the products installed would meet the building code for egress (means  of escape in case of a fire). Not only were we able to sort out the issues with installing Sun  Tunnels in a sleeping space but worked out a plan for the contractor to install VELUX Roof  Windows as a means of egress. 

A clear understanding of how and when to use VELUX Skylights, Sun Tunnels, and Roof  Windows is vital to the success of all projects. Traditional Fixed Skylights are not only a  beautiful architectural element but provide soft ambient light in any given space. Solar venting units are recommended in high humidity areas like kitchens and bathrooms where  

a sensor system can automatically open and close the units as needed. Plus, solar powered blinds can be installed in all standard units allowing homeowners the ability to  control light and stop heat gain/loss. VELUX offers Sun Tunnels and are ideal for  homeowners with long distances from the ceiling to the roof wishing to simply illuminate  dark living spaces. One 14-inch Dome TMR/TGR unit is 3.9 times brighter than a 100-watt  light bulb and works great in spaces measuring 325 square feet or less. Ten-inch Domed  TMR/TGR Sun Tunnels are outstanding in smaller areas like bathrooms and hallways. Flat  Glass units are the perfect solution for south-facing projects. The rules of skylight installation are the same for new cut or replacement projects. Properly or correctly sized  units are necessary in order to prevent condensation and mold issues.  

While VELUX works extremely hard providing online videos and loads of instructional  manuals on-line and within the product boxes; I wish there was a way to inject some sort of catchy tunes to help homeowners, roofers, and contractors better understand the skylight  and Sun Tunnel product line! Fifty-five years later, I still remember most of the fifty-two  recordings offered on Sunday morning by School House Rock!