Hello Spring! If you are like me, I am tired of the cloudy cool days. During the winter months, my house always feels kind of cool and gray. On wintery days, I just want to bundle-up and snuggle on the couch. I miss the sunshine!
Apparently, I am not alone! According to Healthline.com, natural light from the sun has profound health benefits. It can improve sleep and even ward off depression! In the skylight business, our customers reach out to us seeking remedies for brightening their homes every day! Our goals are to educate customers on the diverse options, determine the most cost-effective solution, and provide outstanding service.
As the area’s exclusive VELUX Dealer-Installer (Signature Specialist) the entire Sun4Light, Inc. team is trained in product performance and installation. We are the only privately owned General Contracting company serving eastern North Carolina partnered with VELUX to provide both residential and commercial sales/installation.
VELUX offers traditional skylights, roof windows, and tubular skylights or Sun Tunnels. Skylights and roof windows are commonly referred to as” windows on a roof.” Like traditional windows, skylights are sheets of glass encapsulated within a frame installed on the roof and connected to the interior via a light shaft. The VELUX line of skylights includes fixed, manually operating, and solar venting styles. Solar-powered blinds can be installed in all standard units allowing the entire project to qualify for a 30% solar tax credit. Roof windows can open in the middle or top with some units qualifying for egress. The following photos show examples of standard skylights and roof window applications.
Sun Tunnels or tubular skylights are a great affordable option for homeowners simply seeking to brighten their spaces or in areas where the ceiling to roof is exceedingly long. These units consist of a dome placed on the roof connected via reflective tubing to a ceiling diffuser. The VELUX 14-inch units are 3.9 times brighter than a 100-watt lightbulb and illuminate 325 square feet (about the area of a parking space) of living space. Smaller spaces like bathrooms and hallways can benefit from the 10-inch units because they illuminate 150 square feet (about half the area of a parking space). VELUX offers an optional solar nightlight for these units that allows the entire project to qualify for the 30% solar tax credit.
The following photos show typical examples of Sun Tunnel installations.

Stop sitting in a dark gloomy house and give us a call! We love what we do and enjoy helping customers beautifully brighten their homes! Give us a call today to learn more about VELUX products and obtain a rough estimate.
Team Sun4Light, Inc.
Let the Power of the Sun Naturally Brighten Your Home!